Dementia Diet      Taking Control of Alzheimer's
       The Path to Well Being
Supplements - Minerals and Other Supplements
    Just as with vitamins, and for the same reasons, many Americans are deficient in most nutritional supplements and essential minerals. Taking any of these substances are not AD specific, but nonetheless are essential for good general health which contributes to overall AD management. One should be aware that any substance taken in excess can cause unwanted, deleterious side effects.
    All supplements (vitamins) occur in food, and there are numerous references in the literature and this site of which foods contain what. It should be noted that in most cases the amounts of naturally occurring supplements are not therapeutic and one would have to eat much more food than one could possibly consume to get the ideal amounts. That is why the supplementation of supplements are critically important. In the 21st Century the goal of life should not just be to maintain health, but to optimize it.

Essential Minerals serve many body functions and include:


Trace Elements or Minerals:
Other Supplements

   The following supplements, some of which have strong antioxidant activities, have been recommended for AD management and improved brain functioning in various clinical or research studies. While their use are not pure science, there are valid reasons to consider possibly adding some of them to your diet. Note that recommended dosages may vary according to manufacturer or researcher. As any consumed substance can have unwanted side effects, be sure to consult a physician before using. 

    While there are many quality labs that produce quality supplements; we are aware of a few products that we think are unique in combating AD (Products)

merits extra consideration

*Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) - helps remove toxins and increase energy in the brain, which increases memory - protects against beta amyloid plaques - recommended use for anti-aging and slowing the progression of AD -
Recommended dosage - 500mg/twice a day

Aged Garlic -  or kyolic garlichas been shown to increase the levels of internal antioxidants and reduce inflammation. Studies have found that aged garlic can protect neurons against beta-amyloid toxicity and cell death 
Recommended dosage - 1200mg/twice a day

*Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) -  a close second to glutathione in importance for our cells and is involved in energy production, blood sugar control, brain health and detoxification. The body usually makes it, but given all the stresses we endure it often becomes depleted
Recommended dosage - 100mg/twice a day

Ashwagandha - is a anti-inflammatory Aryurvedic medicinal plant used in India to treat a wide range of age-related disorders. Its most remarkable effect may involve its ability to preserve the health of the aging brain. Research indicates that ashwagandha extract is capable of halting and even repairing damage to brain cells -  is a principle herb in Ayurveda, India's ancient holistic health system. Ayurveda means "knowledge of life" - with herbs lying at the very heart of Ayurvedic practice.
Recommended dosage (in capsule form) - 500-2000mg/twice a day

Bacopa monnieri - an aryuvedic herb that promotes free radical oxidative damage and protects brain cells in prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and striatum against cytotoxicity and DNA damage implicated in AD. 
Recommended dosage - 200–400 milligrams in divided doses for adults

Blueberry Extract -  researchers analyzed fruits and vegetables for their antioxidant capability and blueberries came out on top, rating highest in their capacity to destroy free radicals - can improve memory and restore healthy neuronal function to aged brains 
Recommended dosage - 500mg/twice a day

Caffeine - a study published in a 2010 edition of the Alzheimer's Dementia Journal found that coffee drinking at midlife was associated with a decreased risk of dementia/AD by about 65% at late-life. Caution: drinking coffee after a high fat, high caloric meal (as in fast foods) dramatically raises blood sugar 
Recommended dosage 3-5 cups/day

Chromium Picolinate - aids insulin and glucose metabolism; anti-aging
Recommended dosage - 200-600mg/day

*Circumin - is showing excellent early promise as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease - has been shown to help reduce the 
levels of toxic metals in the neurons - another Aryuvedic present in the spice cumin -blocks AGEs formation
Recommended dosage - 400mg/twice a day

Cocoanox - a flavonoid from the cocoa bean, strong antioxidant/anti inflammatory
 - improves immune system and increases brain blood flow - dark chocolate (greater than 70% cocoa) is an antioxidant - all chocolates are healthy in limited amounts
Recommended dosage - 8 mg/twice a day

*CoQ10 - powerful antioxidant - studies have shown that levels are lower in Alzheimer’s disease and that brain energy levels are dramatically reduced in dementia-related diseases - also shown to lower blood glucose in diabetics -  is fat-soluble so should be taken with a meal containing fats.
Recommended dosage - 30 - 200 mg /day (spread out over 2-3x/day)

DMAE - a precursor to choline and acetylcholine. Choline inside cells is used in the building and repair of cell membranes, especially in the brain - increases capacity of neurons and is anti-aging
Recommended dosage - 300-500mg/day

*Fish oil or Omega 3 - source of most critical supplement for brain functioning - an EFA, must be ingested as our body does not manufacture omega 3. Very few fish oils have adequate doses of omega 3s (see Lifestyle)

Flaxseed oil - similar to fish oil, another supplement that provides EFAs
Recommended dosage - 100omg/twice a day

Ginkgo Biloba - antioxidant been shown to enhance memory and concentration, 
best used in mild to moderate AD - do not use if on a blood thinner
Recommended dosage - 60-120mg/day

Glutathione "the mother of all antioxidants, the master detoxifier and maestro of the immune system" - critical in helping your immune and detoxification systems and in controlling inflammation -   found in alpha lipoic acidN-acetyl-cysteine and  
milk thistle (references on this page)

*alpha GPC - is extremely well absorbed and crosses the blood brain barrier. In the brain, alpha GPC supports brain function and learning processes by directly increasing the synthesis and secretion of acetylcholine.
Recommended dosage - 600-1200 mg/day

Grape Seed (Extract) - from grape seeds leftover from wine making - potent antioxidant/anti -nflammatory - similar to Resveratrol
Recommended dosage - 100mg/twice a day

*Green Tea (extract) - a potent free radical scavenger, increases concentration and energy - helps maintain cellular DNA and membrane structural integrity. Web MD reported in Jan 2011 that it might be an AD/dementia preventive even in the digested form. Dr Weil reported the same finding in March 2011
Recommended dosage - 200-300mg/twice a day

Huperazine A - shown to be effective in improving cognition in AD and vascular dementia. Should be used with caution if on acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or cholinergic drugs - similar in action to prescription drug Aricept
Recommended dosage - 15mg/day  

Melatonin - strong antioxidant/shown to prevent plaque formation in AD - is safe and non addictive
Recommended dosage - 1-6mg before sleep

*N-Acetyl- Cysteine (NAC) - powerful antioxidant needed to produce glutathione -
removes toxins from cells and maintains our immune system
Recommended dosage - 600-1200mg/twice a day

*Phosphatidylserine (PS) - prevents declines in memory, learning and concentration - PET scans show increased metabolic activity in the brain 
Recommended dosage - 100-300mg/twice a day

Probiotics -are beneficial, or friendly, bacteria - have several health benefits, from aiding digesting to boosting immunity - the largest group of probiotic bacteria in the intestine is lactic acid bacteria, of which Lactobacillus acidophilus, found in yogurt, is the best known. - also found in sauerkraut, kefir (fermented milk used in Europe), miso soup, tempeh and natto (all fermented soys). Probiotics are also available as 
dietary supplements
Dosage - varies on type

Quercitin  - is a plant based flavonoid antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Increases energy production in the brain - when combined with Resveratrol blocks toxins that cause dementia

Resveratrol potent antioxidant/anti -inflammatory found in red wine, grapes, chocolate, peanuts, and mulberries. Reduces beta amyloid plaques, one of the hallmarks of brain pathologies in AD.
Recommended dosage - 150mg/day  

Sage - has been recommended for centuries for memory preservation - an aryuvedic
Recommended dosage (dried leaf capsules) - 300-600mg/twice a day

SAMe - can exert a direct effect on maintaining glutathione levels and  maintenance of neuronal health, suggesting a possible role as a neuroprotective dietary supplement 
for AD patients - should not be taken by those diagnosed with bipolar disorder
Recommended dosage - 400 mg 2-3X/day

Tumeric - a potent yellowish antioxidant - an aryurvedic, very much like circumin
Recommended dosage - 250mg 2-3X/day

Vinpocetine - is known to protect cells from free radicals as well as increase blood circulation and brain metabolism. Its protective effect has been demonstrated in laboratory studies in which cells were exposed to beta-amyloid protein
Recommended dosage - 5-10 mg/twice a day
* Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. Consult your physician before taking any vitamins or supplements or making any significant dietary changes.